Donnerstag, November 16, 2006

Ausflug nach Amedzofe

Last weekend we decided to explore the surroundings of Ho. Our aim were our first waterfalls in Amedzofe. (There are lots of waterfalls in Ghana. Who would have thought that!?)After having the whole trotro shouting at each other and a very very bumpy ride we finally arrived in a town that was crowded with red dressed people firing muskets. The funeral celebration for the "late" Executive Chief had begun. But we wanted to climb mountain Gemi. We got to the top but there wasn´t much to see because of the Harmattan.
That was when the real hike began. First through what looked to us like rain forest then through the long waving grass and the last most challenging part went down hill with ropes. Most of the time I was thinking about how to get back up......
But in the end it was all worth it. There was a cool breeze!!!! And it was beautiful.

I will not comment on the way back up...


Anonymous Anonym said...

Liebe Kusine - it seems like you're having a great time! I'm very jealous!! And of course I've taken it upon myself to spread Aunty Fofo's games around the world - everyone deserves to have fun like we do!! Life here in Salzburg is going well; the Christmas market and ice rink are almost ready to open - it's just a shame we don't have the snow yet! It went away after a weekend and today was so warm I didn't need my jacket - it's very strange!! Lots of love, al x

8:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Die Fotos sind so schön, du wirst wohl nicht drum herum kommen auch noch mal mit mir dahin zu fahren...

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

hallo becci,
es ist schön deine blog mitteilungen parallel zu denen von anna zu verfolgen. sie ergänzen sich immer irgendwie. es ist auch recht schön deine kommentare in englisch zu lesen, die ich bisher sogar etwas präziser, ausführlicher und daher informativer als die von anna finde...
weiter so

11:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Na danke ;-)

Ne, is aber ja gut, wenn sich das ergä(h)nzt. Und außerdem sollen ja auch unsere englischsprachigen Mitmenschen erfahren, was wir so treiben, näch?

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Reminds me of the day we climbed Muckish and Lili got stuck in the mud coming down ;-)

1:43 PM  

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